Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome to the blogger world, she said!

Ok!  I finally gave in and decided to become a blogger!!  The problem is...I have no idea what a blogger does or says!  And the real question is...who's really gonna read what I write??  But, as the saying goes, all the cool kids are doing it so why the hell not give it a shot!  Now how do you start? Maybe I should say something funny.... something smart....something inspiring?  Yeah I got nothing!  
When I was younger, I could write pages and pages in my diaries (yes I said diaries!)  I guess my high school and college years were much more exciting than my late 30's (ouch that hurt!).  That is why my college roommate and I swore to each other that if we died in some terrible accident, the first thing each one of us would do would be run to that person's bedroom and burn all diaries that could be found!  Because you never want anyone to read about your high school romances and all the "fun" things you did in college when your parents thought you were studying hard.  Now when I read those pages stained with tears or chocolate fingerprints, I long for the days of high school drama and worrying about whether or not Brenda would go back with Dylan!  Those really were the days weren't they?  
So back to my original question...what do bloggers blog? Should I just write what I am thinking about, or what happened today.  If that is the case I should title this "Tales of the 30 Something Nothing!"  I guess I will just have to figure it out as I go along!!  To blog or not to blog that is the question!  I guess I will blog along with some blogging great blogs for you all to read!!!